Patched Pokemon Emerald Rom
patched pokemon emerald rom

Patching a Pokemon Nintendo DS rom hack is relatively straightforward. Mr.Crazed says: Pokemon Emerald is a classic game with the same basic premise as most, if not all, Pokemon games.If you always wanted to play NDS Pokmon ROMs, and other games, but didnt have. It is the ultimate Pokemon game. Pokemon Emerald is a fun game where you get to meet cool Pokemon, battle other Trainers like you, and face difficult challenges. Pokemon Emerald rates this game: 4/5.

patched pokemon emerald rom

Normal mode scales your EXP and Winnings to the number of gyms you have beaten. More Starters: You now have 7 starters options, up from 3. It can hold up to ¥2,000,000,000 poke dollars! In addition to the bank, you can now buy, sell, rent, and move into one (or all) of 12 properties throughout Hoenn! Note that you need to progress the Nobles faction to gain access to Real Estate! Real Estate and Bank: As of EE v 7.800, you can now open a bank account at the Frontier Bank, found in Mauville City. Prestige Mode: Every time you become champion and then start a new game, your level cap goes up by 25, to a max of 250. Theme choices, light or dark for the user interface.

Hardcore mode uses special rules. Nuzlocke mode is a harder variant of my game, with custom enforced nuzlocke rules. Easy mode is a 4x base experience, for people who want to get through the game quickly, and aren't confident enough for harder modes.

DexNav: DexNav added to the game. Choose a starter team with which to challenge the frontier, and earn BP to purchase new frontier pokemon to expand your roster. Frontier mode takes you directly into the frontier. Fainted mons disappear from your party. You gain less money and gain the default vanilla exp value.

On consecutive New Game Plus runs, the enemy mons will scale to the levels of your party. Autoscaling Trainers & Wild Encounters: On your first playthrough, everything is scaled to the number of badges you own. Poké Ball Changer: You can change the Poké Ball your Pokémon is currently held in by talking to the Ball Changer NPC. Follower System: Followers will help you in battles against the E4, Title Defense, and max-tier gym leaders when they are following you. You can obtain DexNav after getting 6 badges and entering any town that has a gym.

Go after these hard achievements for those delicious master balls! GOLD Achievements: There are a few achievements shown with Golden names and icons that will reward you a Master Ball when unlocked. You can access this screen from your Journal. Achievements: A fully custom Achievements system implemented. IV Perfecting: You can get an egg with perfect IV's and desired nature by utilizing the Genetic Code Mapping System. They can easily be noticed as their names are bright red.

Each faction represents a group of ideals held by the member trainer classes. The Hoenn league and evil teams are not in this system. Factions: There are 7 factions in the game that all NPC trainers are a part of. You can get powers like increased movement speed, capture rate, prize money, and so on! Access this feature from the Journal. On top of giving collectors more to collect, this gives additional value to sticking around and playing through the game multiple times.

Re-Fighting the Elite Four: When you fight the Elite Four again, you will get teleported to an alternate Champion room after you've cleared the E4. Presently, there is only Alchemy, obtained by doing quests and obtaining standing with the Outcasts faction. In addition, there are quests unique to each faction that will unlock or otherwise give you access to a specific mechanic or feature. This will increase your faction standing.

You need 4 badges to start. Refinable ores can be processed in the small mining cavern town near Fallarbor. You can find things like shard ores to craft into evolution stones, metal ores to sell for money, Fossil ores to obtain fossils. Mining: Mining lets you mine ores.

Completely custom jukebox. When a weather move is used in battle, the weather will persist in the overworld until a map change takes place. You can just swim, or pull out a tree, or smash a rock, or whatever. The player performs HM functions without any badges or items. Alchemy: Alchemy is an end-game system where you create very powerful effects that impact gameplay in a significant way. You are able to craft the things you find using recipes to create your own versions of various battle items.

patched pokemon emerald rom

The entire frontier has been overhauled to include many new generation pokemon and strategies. The waystone gives you more locations you can teleport to, including each of the 7 Frontier facilities. Waystone item, which replaces the HM Fly functionality. The consumable imprints you get reduce EVs to zero, rather than increments of 10. Imprinter item, which works similarly to the EV Reduce berries. Or toggle earning exp in battle.

When you start New Game+ you get to choose between Normal, Nuzlocke and Hardcore modes. Unique key items are retained.(Imprinter, EXP Drive, Remote PC, Forecaster, and the bike to allow both in the inventory at once). Only Pokemon in your PC Boxes are retained, including held items. New Game +: New game + becomes available starting from the first time you visit the Hall Of Fame. Currently it's just balls, but this will be changed in the future! Contests now reward items from tables upon winning, rather than giving the same thing over and over again.

patched pokemon emerald rom